Denver Broncos
Lego Mosaic
Here’s my mosaic for my favorite NFL team, the Denver Broncos. They have kinda sucked since Manning retired, but we can hope!
Starting Image
I found several images of the Broncos’ logo on the interwebs. This is the best one I found of the old style, you know, from the Elway years. I chose to start from here to build this one.

Pixelizing the Image
Pixelizing this one was kind of challenging. You wouldn’t know it from looking, but the image above isn’t symmetrical. So, I had to build the D and the horse seperately and them re-integrate them. But, the end result is pretty good.

Importing into MLCad
This model is fairly small and simple. But looks awesome! I have plans to make a Texans logo or maybe even the new Bronco logo…one of these days. But, for now, this will do.
This pattern was built in November of 2015 and the construciton date is TBD. I have almost all the pieces to build it, I’m just missing odds and ends which are on order. It consists of 987 pieces or 3,542 studs. It is 1′-8″ (50.8 cm) square.

Final Product
As I said, I have had most of the bricks for this model for quite some time. I need to get off my duff and finish and build it…like before the make the playoffs again. Today is 1/22/2018. We’ll see how long it takes me to get it finished.