Princess Peach
Lego Mosaic
Here’s some info on a little Princess Peach Lego mosaic I made. She’s pretty neat.
Source Image
As you can probably tell from my site, I have a thing for Nintendo. We’ve gone to counceling. It’s a whole thing. Anyway, no collection would be complete withouth something to do with Princess Peach.
I don’t have the actual image from which I built this, but here’s the pixelized final image that I made.

Importing to MLCad
Fun fact, I ordered the bircks shown as purple here in a hotel room one night before running the Route 66 Marathon in Oklahoma City from Lego directly. Well, half marathon. It’s a whole thing.
Anyway, peach has gone through several iterations. The colors shown here are not final and neither are the brick patterns. The purple is the biggest issue. They are expensive and no one has very many. Hence, ordering directly from Lego. I used mostly 1×4 bricks (vs the 2×4 shown here).
The initial pattern was built in January of 2009 and a construction date is TBD. I have 99% of the bricks for this and the missing pieces are in transit. She consists of 1,290 pieces (however, this count is for the final model, not the one shown here). She also has 3,730 studs total. She stands 1′-6.2″ (46 cm) wide and 2′-10.1″ (86.5 cm) tall.

Final Product
I have most of the bricks to complete this model, but am missing a few odds and ends. I am currently waiting on BrickLink orders to arrive to finish it off. This page was built on 1/22/2018. We’ll see how long it takes me to finally build it!