Lego Mosaic
Here’s a mosaic of my favorite Jedi Grand Master from Star Wars. He’s also my only B&W pic!
Source Image
When I first got into doing these mosaics, I ran across this image. I didn’t crop it or remove the water mark because I wanted this dude to get credit. He did an amazing job. I stole his design.
One thing about this is that it’s in black and white. It makes it difficult now, because, some years ago, Lego discontinued the old gray bricks. Along with this, they discontinued “Very Light Gray”. If you look close, you’ll see that there are three shades of gray. Lego currently only makes 2 (LBG and DGB). So…Yoda was expensive and difficult to complete.

Importing into MLCad
Yoda was a bit of a challenge. At the time, I didn’t understand the color thing as described above and couldn’t figure out how he got the 3 shades of gray. So, I decided to just go for it and build it using false color and figure it out later.
As a result, Yoda went through several iterations. As you can see in the top image, I initially built it using all 1×1 bricks because it was easier to compare with the original picture (I skipped the pixelization process for this one). After I completed the model in bricks, the middle pic, I went through and replaced things with the big bricks. This was purely to save on cost.
Yoda also marks the only mosiac I’ve done that is all with plates. The final model might have a full brick boarder, but I can’t remember.
I’ve had the bricks to build Yoda for some time now. Like, years. I haven’t done it for watever reason. Hopefully soon. This pattern was built in December of 2008 and the construction date is TBD. The final model uses 3,389 pieces or 12,408 studs. Yoda is 3′-5.25″ (104.8 cm) wide and 2′-5.4″ (74.6 cm) tall.

Final Product
As I said, I have had the bricks for this model for quite some time. I need to get off my duff and build him. Today is 1/22/2018. We’ll see how long it takes me to get it finished.